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Writer's pictureLaura Downs

10 Tips To Manifest Your Dream Life

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Because prosperity, love, and happiness are your birthright.

You already have the ability to manifest your dream life, we all do. Some of us are better at this than others.

Here are my secrets not only manifesting your dream life, but increasing your ability to manifest ANYTHING in life.

Getting into the Law of Attraction can be a game-changer for most people. Suddenly you realize you have the power to manifest the life of your dreams. However, it can feel frustrating when the growth and changes you are looking for are not happening at the pace you anticipated. As a spiritual life coach, it is my job to have a great understanding of how you can manifest the life of your dreams AND have fun doing it. I have compiled a list of the tips I've gathered over the years that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Incorporating these tips into your daily routine will turn you into a master manifestor in no time.

After years of studying the art of manifestation, I have come up with 10 tips and tricks that can help increase your ability to manifest your dream life.


Why is the Law of Attraction & Manifesting So Important?

You are manifesting all of the time, whether you realize it or not. The words, thoughts, actions, and energy you carry in the present moment is writing your future as we speak. Your subconscious mind and environment are setting the tone of what your future will look like. In fact, this very moment was manifested by past versions of yourself. It is time to take back your power and start using this knowledge consciously. You are a co-creator of your reality. You have much more power in the world than you even realize.

Today, I will teach you how to yield that power wisely.

Here are 10 tips to incorporate into your daily life in order to manifest the life of your dreams:

Tip #1 Practice Gratitude Every Day.

Every morning or every night, make it an intentional habit to focus on a gratitude list. Being in the energy of having gratitude for what already exists in your life and the things you already manifested is critical to manifest EVEN MORE.

Think of it like this: if you go out of your way to do something super nice for your friend time and time again, you spend money on them, help them out with huge favors, and go out of your way to support them and they NEVER say thank you or show gratitude - how willing will you be to help that friend again? The Universe loves helping a grateful heart.

In addition, when you are in a space of gratitude, you are tuning into the energy of joy and prosperity for this present moment. Being in that energy will attract MORE reasons to feel joy and prosperity. Being grateful will attract more reasons for you to feel grateful.

Tip #2 Believe That Good Things Will Happen. Always.

Always assume that the best-case scenario will occur. Do you have a friend that is always worrying about everything that can go wrong in life? They don't travel because they fear being kidnapped. They don't go skiing because they fear breaking their leg. They don't open their heart up because they fear getting betrayed. Remaining in fear will limit your growth and block your manifestations from entering.

When you believe that everything is always happening for a reason and you believe that good things will happen for you, even if it's not how you planned it, your heart and soul becomes open to LIFE.

Things may not always go according to plan, but it's critical that you assume that everything unfolds exactly as it is supposed to, even if you can't make sense of it. Trust the Universe. Trust that the best-case scenario will arise. And when making plans, try to visualize the best-case scenario with everything: a first date, a trip, an interview, an opportunity, the week ahead, etc.

Tip #3 Focus on The Things That Fill Your Heart With Joy.

Have you ever noticed that when you finally stop worrying about a problem, that is when it magically seems to become resolved all on its own? When you're waiting and waiting for that phone call or text, the second you stop focusing on it and start doing something for your own happiness is when it comes through. Have you noticed that everything seems to fall apart in your life all at once? Or fall into place all at once?

When you focus on the things that make you happy, you are in an energetic state that is ripe for manifesting big, beautiful blessings into your life. Genuinely do something that fills your heart with joy every day and notice how different life will start to feel.

If you love tennis, give yourself time to play tennis every single day. If you love talking to certain friends, make time to call them every single day. Being happy will, you guessed it, attract more happiness.

Tip #4 Catch Yourself Every Time You Think Negatively And Turn It Into A Positive Thought.

Do not underestimate the power of this tip. Thinking positively IS NOT avoiding the truth or avoiding any issues that arise. Positive thinking is facing a challenge in life and CHOOSING to be grateful for the learning experience that challenge offers and looking on the bright side.

Growing up in a toxic environment and healing from narcissistic abuse, I personally struggled with thinking positively when it came to my relationships and my relationship with self. Every time that voice in my head would say "what if they are lying? What if they are using you?", I would catch myself and change my thoughts consciously in a positive direction, "This person has never given me reason to believe they are lying. I am grateful for this person for being _, _, and _."

Some people argue that they are just being a "realist", not a pessimist. I disagree. Your intuition will tell you when there is something seriously off, and that is a much better guide for you to listen to as opposed to your thoughts. Listening to your intuition will feel like the right thing to do, even if it's difficult. Whereas having negative thoughts clouding your judgment will make you feel confused on what actions to take in life. How can you better follow your intuition, which is always guiding you in the right direction? That leads me to the next tip:

Tip #5 Meditate Every Damn Day.

Meditation is absolutely critical for mental health. This has been scientifically proven.

The only thing getting in the way of your manifestation coming through is YOU. And by you, I mean your damn overthinking. How do we solve overthinking? By practicing the art of NOT thinking.

I recommend doing at least a 15-minute meditation once a day, whenever you prefer, and little minute meditations several times throughout your day. For the 15-minute meditation, just sit or lay, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing, your body, the sounds you hear, and all the sensations that come within this present moment. As you focus on the present moment, you will have your thoughts popping into your head. Pay attention to the thought, acknowledge it, then imagine it drifting outside of your energy field, cutting the energy cord of that thought away from you, and then return back to focusing on breathing and the present moment.

Meditation is simply the act of repeating this process over and over again. Don't get frustrated by the amount of thoughts you have, just repeat this process for 15 minutes or one minute. Don't have any expectations going into it for grand spiritual insights or meditation highs, just do it.

Doing the minute meditations throughout the day will re-center you back in the present moment, calming you down, and putting you back into a space of peaceful receptivity which is perfect for manifesting.

Tip #6 Take Responsibility For Your Life.

Even if you were victimized in this lifetime, stop playing the victim. Point, blank, period. Playing the victim makes us feel better for our seemingly "crappy" life situation. It's easy to point the finger and say, "I had nothing growing up, my parents traumatized me, and I didn't have the same privileges as my peers!" - okay, but what are you going to do now? Right here in the present moment?

When we play the victim in life, it reaffirms that we are powerless to change our life circumstances. Sure, life may have handed you a shit hand. You can sit here and cry about it, or you can make the most out of it, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and blossom where you've been planted.

If you are an adult on this planet Earth, it may be hard to admit, but your past thoughts, actions, and words are what manifested you into your present circumstances. So, you can keep playing the blame-game, or you can make the decision right here right now to begin taking responsibility for your life, your attitude, the present moment, and your future.

Tip #7 Remind Yourself Daily That Like Attracts Like. Your Outer Reality is a Reflection of Your Inner Reality.

Who you are on the inside will be reflected back to you in your outer reality and relationships. I see it all the time. People with low self-esteem always end up surrounded by friends and partners who do not value them because they do not value themselves. People who do not practice gratitude and see value in their present circumstances will not see value coming into their life in the form of money.

Your relationships and outer reality are big neon signs from the universe that shows you what you may need to work on. If a person or situation or issue in life is bothering you, really look within yourself to understand why it is bothering you and how you are carrying the energy to attract that into your life.

This is also the basic principle of Karma. Karma and The Law of Attraction are the same things in my opinion. The energy you carry, the deeds you do, the energy you give out (good or bad) will multiply in your life. Be good and do good to attract good.

Tip #8 Dream Bigger - The Universe is Always Supporting You.

I see a lot of people genuinely struggle with this tip. They say to themselves "I just need this amount of money to survive" and guess what? The Universe will give them just enough to survive. Or they might say "I just need to get back with my ex and I'll be happy". And guess what? The Universe will give them their ex.

But what if the Universe wanted to give you way more than you need to survive? What if they wanted to give you enough money to buy your dream house, travel often, and live in the lap of luxury? What if the Universe didn't want to give you your ex? What if they wanted to give you someone way more compatible, beautiful, and right for you?

Don't be afraid to dream bigger. The Universe has your back and WANTS you to prosper and succeed in life. But that's the thing - the Universe is a neutral energy that is bound to your freewill. It is complete spiritual LAW that the Universe must match your energy - because you are the universe and the universe is you. When you dream bigger, you receive bigger.

Tip #9 Avoid The Haters. Surround Yourself With Supporters.

This was one of the hardest lessons for me personally, because sometimes your biggest haters are the people closest to you. When you tell your dreams to your closest friends and family, how do they react? When I first started my business, my closest friends and family at the time told me to "get a real job" and that it won't work out, I couldn't possibly survive (and thrive) from doing what I love, which is being a spiritual life coach and psychic medium.

When you have people feeding you those fears and negativity, it can really affect your own sense of inspiration and thought process, even if you say you will ignore them. It wasn't until I removed those people from my life that my business began thriving, I was traveling more frequently, I was climbing mountains, doing charity work, I lost 20 pounds and gained half of it back in muscle, I had found my soul family.

I am not going to sugarcoat it: making the conscious decision to let go of unsupportive relationships is one of the hardest decisions you can make. But it is a decision that almost immediately will have you feeling a much more profound level of peace and clarity - even if you have not yet found newer, more supportive relationships.

Tip #10 Go Outside of Your Comfort Zone Regularly.

Your comfort zone is, well, where you feel comfortable. This is your established routine, whether that routine is good or bad. If you are trying to manifest getting healthy for example, but you haven't done a workout in years, your thoughts, body, and mind will say "ugh, I don't want to" when you try to get your ass to the gym. That is because working out is outside of your comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is a good thing, it is where you feel safe, it is where you can integrate the challenges and lessons you acquire. Your comfort zone is where you feel most confident. But right outside of that comfort zone is what's called the growth zone. And this is where real change and growth takes place.

If your ideal life was already manifested, it would be within your comfort zone by this point. And even if you already have an ideal life, it is still important to go outside of your comfort zone, lest you a sheltered weirdo who is stuck in their ways and closed-minded. LIFE happens on the other side of that comfort zone, trust me. And this is where you have to meet the Universe half-way. You go out of your comfort zone to manifest your dreams and watch as the Universe meets you in the middle and sends so many blessings.


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