Being an empath means having the ability to feel, understand, and relate to other people's emotions. You can put yourself in the shoes of others, no matter how different they may be from you.
Are you an empath? Take this quiz.
Ask yourself these questions and tally up your "yes" answers. The more "yes" answers you have, the more of an empath you are. See your results at the end.
Let's begin.

#1 Do you feel different from others? Like you have a harder time fitting in?
#2 Do public or crowded spaces make you feel drained and uncomfortable?
#3 Do you tend to avoid those public and crowded spaces?
#4 Do you ever notice yourself mimicking the positions, tones, and mannerisms of the people around you?
#5 Are you more drawn to natures and animals than the average person?
#6 Do animals and children tend to gravitate towards you?
#7 Do you feel drained from being in a large group?
#8 Is your mood affected by the moods of those around you?
#9 Does conflict and arguing make you feel drained?
#10 Can you pick up on what others are feeling even when they try hiding it?
#11 Are you emotionally or physically affected by photos and video scenes of violence?
#12 Do you tend to avoid films if they are overly violent or involve things like cheating and abuse?
#13 Can music, art, or books move you emotionally?
#14 Does excessive noise, movements, or smells overwhelm you?
#15 Do you struggle to maintain close interpersonal connections?
#16 Do you find yourself caring more about others than they care about you?
#17 Do you find yourself explaining and rationalizing why someone did something bad?
#18 Have you in the past or present "seen the good" in someone who was abusive, narcissistic, or selfish?
#19 Does the idea of living out in nature sound better to you than living in a city?
#20 Do people tend to come to you with their problems?
#21 Have you been drawn to things like music, art, esoteric practices, spirituality, philosophy, charity, humanitarian work, and helping others?
#22 Do you tend to give advice and want to help others better their lives?
Tally up your "YES" answers!
0 to 5 - You are probably a narcissist
5 to 10 - Average amount of empathy
10 to 15 - You are pretty sensitive and empathetic
15 to 20 - You are definitely an empath
20 to 22 - You are DEFINITELY an empath, but you may have trouble maintaining personal boundaries and dealing with your super high sensitivity.