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Following Your Natural Seasons: Yin And Yang

Writer's picture: Laura DownsLaura Downs

"I feel like I really need to enter my hermit mode. Why is it that I have these cycles a few months out of the year where I am social, I want to meet new people, I travel, I go out and experience new things. And then for the next few months I just want to stay in, clean, do artwork, work on my creative projects, and only see the people closest to me?" - me to a close confidant.

Everything is composed of Yin and Yang energy - otherwise known as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. We aren't talking about gender; this is about the natural balance of energy in this Universe.

Every single thing, person, and situation is subjugated to this balance. Not a single tree, flower, or plant is in full bloom all the time. They have their seasons, their cycles, just like the rest of us. Every animal has it's times of rest versus action, sleep versus wake.

Similar to plants and other animals, us humans follow this natural cycle as well. So, it is incredibly important for you to listen to your natural cycles and know when it's time for a Yin cycle or a Yang cycle.

Personally, I find that my cycles last several weeks. For you, it might be years, months, weeks, days, or hours. You might find a micro-Yang season within a greater Yin-season. Regardless of how it works for you, it's important to listen to the natural queues that your body, mind, and soul give when it's time for you to enter a new cycle.

Let's talk about it.

Yang Cycle - Our Seasons of Divine Masculine Energy

There are moments in the year where we feel this strong wanderlust to get outside, go out of our comfort zones, surround ourselves with new people or experiences, travel, explore, and do a lot. Not only check off our "to-do" lists, but to do a lot.

The keyword for our Yang cycles is "DO".

Think of Yang energy as the planets and stars - they exist, they do, they create. And think of Yin energy as space - it is the emptiness, the magic, the space that allows existence to, well, exist. Without our Yang cycles, our lives would feel empty. It would be a whole lot of nothing. So, when you feel emptiness in your life or a lack of something, it may be a good idea to take on some of your Yang energy.

Yang cycles are very social times where we meet new people who inspire new ideas. Our schedules are packed, we have so much planned. There is a lot of "doing". One week you are traveling, the next week you have a big presentation, the week after that you have several social engagements, and then sporadic opportunities and situations pop up.

Yang Cycles are our busy time. It may feel like there is little room left in our schedules to process, just be, and integrate all of this new energy.

So, naturally, after a few weeks or months in our Yin cycle, we will feel guided to enter a hermit mode to process and calm down and integrate all the newness into our spirit and comfort zone. And this is when we enter a Yin cycle.

Yin Cycle - Our Seasons of Divine Feminine Energy

This is what I like to call my "hermit mode". This is a time of the year where you probably won't like going outside of your social comfort zone very often. The idea of meeting a new friend for dinner sounds exhausting compared to your other idea of staying home and working on that creative project you have going on, or seeing your established friends.

We just want to be in our natural energies, tend to our inner garden and what we already have.

The keyword for our Yin cycles is "BE".

Yang energy is the planets and stars. Yin energy is the empty space that gives room for existence to happen. It is so important for us to allow space in our lives, to slow down, to give room for processing and reflecting and integrating. Otherwise, our lives are filled up with a lot of meaningless "stuff" and activities that we'll forget, because we didn't allow time and space for processing and appreciation.

Yin energy is what makes things magical. Artwork for example would just be pigments on canvas to us if we didn't have the Yin energy to ponder it's meaning, reflect on history, and give ourself space to appreciate it fully.

When we are in a Yin cycle of the year, we feel drawn to complete projects we've been working on. We want to be productive when it comes to our inner goals, our established community, what we already have going on for us. In other words, we want to create space for and nurture what is already important to us.

Many of us retreat into a Yin cycle sometime during the winter season. The colder weather beckons us to stay in and relax, recharge, create, and nurture ourselves and our loved ones.

The Danger of Not Listening To Your Natural Cycles

When your body, mind, and soul is urging you to enter into one of these cycles and you ignore it, it can create some inner and outer turmoil for you.

When You Intuitively Feel Guided to Enter a Yang Cycle, But You Stay in Your Yin Energy:

Entering your Yang cycle does involve a little bit of going outside of your comfort zone. When we are in our Yin energies, home and the comfort zone is where we reside to relax and integrate.

You will begin feeling a sense of wanderlust, a sense of wanting to go out more, be more social, get more done, experience, more, travel more, etc. When you don't take action on this natural feeling, anxiety will crop up big time.

Anxiety, restlessness, and a feeling of not being or doing enough in life. It can become quite a negative cycle if left unchecked. Some people spend years stuck in their Yin cycles. Anxiety, shyness, and a fear of failure or judgment keeps them from going out and doing, going out and living. As time passes, that anxiety only increases, making it even harder to cross that threshold into your Yang Cycle.

Symptoms That Show It's Time For a Yang Cycle:

  • Feeling lonely, isolated, or like you are lacking a support system.

  • Feeling sluggish and icky about yourself.

  • Feeling a sense of wanderlust that verges on anxiety.

  • Feeling restless about life, impatient with your life's goals, yet you aren't doing much to achieve them.

How To Begin Your Yang Cycle:

  • Fill Your schedule up more with high-vibrational activities that will benefit your personal life and goals.

  • Start going out more in general. Whether it's to see friends, go to the gym, run errands, or taking up a new class. Get out and do.

  • Book new experiences for yourself to ease your wanderlust.

  • Meet new people, make new friends, and expose yourself to new ideas and experiences.

  • Do, do, do. Physically do new things, make new memories, and make sure each day has something special.

When You Intuitively Feel Guided To Enter a Yin Cycle, But You Stay In Your Yang Energy:

It can be hard to make more time for you when your schedule is filled to the brim with work, social activities, and experiences. When we have these bright seasons where we are popular, there is always someone who wants to see you, always work to be done, always have something to do. It can be difficult to say "no" and create that space in our schedule just for us.

You will start to feel the need for a Yin cycle when you just really feel called to have more alone time, to reflect. Your hobbies and projects and personal goals might become neglected. You feel really stretched thin and not making enough time for you, not showing yourself the self-care that you need.

You may also begin to feel a little bit more distant from your sense of spirituality and your relationship with Universe/Spirit/God/Ancestors/Whateveryoucallit. Whereas you once felt clear-minded, calm, and very intuitive - now it begins to feel like one task after another, and the magic begins drifting from your life. You feel run down.

Symptoms That Show It's Time For a Yin Cycle:

  • You feel long over-do for alone time, self-care, time off, and you feel stretched thin.

  • Your hobbies, personal goals, and creative projects start to become neglected.

  • The idea of going to a fun social engagement feels less exciting than spending time at home doing whatever you want.

  • There is a sense of anxiety that comes from having too much on your plate, too much to catch up on. You need time and space to slow down and get stuff off your plate.

How To Begin Your Yin Cycle:

  • Begin saying "no" to activities that do not excite you. You can explain to friends that you just need more time to yourself right now. If they are good for you, they will understand.

  • Stop taking on "newness". Meeting new people, going on first dates, new ideas, starting a new hobby or project, or even just using social media if it's constantly striking up new ideas in you. Take time to complete everything that is already on your plate, empty your mind, and focus on "creating space". Finish out the ideas you already have. You will feel naturally called to re-enter a Yang cycle when you have the space to support it.

  • Create space in your schedule, your home, and your mind. Yin energy is space, emptiness. Simplify your schedule, declutter your home, and meditate often to clear your mind.

Balance is key to everything in life. When our natural rhythm is throw out of balance, it creates inner and outer turmoil. It is so important to follow our intuitive rhythms. Listen to when your intuition asks you to step into a new cycle. Allow yourself to follow these natural rhythms - knowing that they will always balance out in the end.


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