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Writer's pictureLaura Downs

Why Hexes And Curses Are Dumb.

Hexes and curses are spells a witchcraft practitioner or spiritual person may use that inflicts negative outcomes onto its subject. Here are four reasons why they are super dumb and you should NEVER do them.

The Law of Attraction & Karma

The Law of Attraction is 100% something you need to familiarize yourself with if you ever intend to practice witchcraft or use magic. Primarily because this law is why magic even works in the first place!

The Law of Attraction is the belief that where your thoughts and attention go, energy will flow. If you keep thinking about traffic, you will get stuck in traffic. If you keep thinking about having a fat wallet, that wallet will get fat. The things you focus on will manifest into your life.

Karma is the sister of Law of Attraction. If you do bad things to someone, bad things will then happen to you.

With that being said, why would you then chose to send a hex to someone? Why would you spend time focusing on all the negative energy you are sending to someone?

When you hex or cast a spell, even if it's directed to someone else, even if you try to protect your energy - you will also be affected by the spell.

No amount of protection spells will stop your curse from affecting both you and the person you send it to because YOU ARE THE SOURCE of the negative energy.

If you want good things to happen to you, don't curse or hex.

If someone screwed you over, sending them negative energy will only make them WORSE

Let me give you the most common scenario for why someone will cast a hex or spell: you have an ex that screwed you over. Like really screwed you over. They cheated, lied, were selfish, and just all round a shitty individual.

The reason people turn into shitty individuals is because bad things happened to them. Hurt people hurt people. Just like how they hurt you and you are now trying to hurt them.

Knowing that the reason people suck is because they had sucky life situations that they haven't yet processed and dealt with, why would you then give them even more negative energy to turn them into an even bigger bitch?

You might be thinking "well it doesn't matter because I'll never see them again". Yes, but their family and friends will have to deal with them. Their future partners will have to deal with them. THEY will have to deal with themselves and the negative energy you sent them.

Instead of wishing your ex bad, wouldn't you rather wish that they grow the fuck up, realize their mistakes, start treating people better, and overall become a better person so that nobody will ever have to go through what you went through?

We all share a world

The world isn't as big as we think it is. All of your actions, every single one of them has an effect on the world.

When you send darkness and negativity to someone, they might have a really awful day. When they have a really awful day, they might be snappy with a cashier and make their day awful. That cashier might then say "I hate this place" and make everyone who works there feel awful. ONe of their co-workers might already be dealing with a lot and now their workplace is miserable and they just hate their lives. Your bad energy spreads.

Just like good energy spreads! For example, you might compliment someone saying that they have great hair. That person was actually really insecure about their hair and you just made them feel so much better about it! They are feeling confident and great, their energy is contagious to all their friends and everyone has a great time.

We all share a world. The negative energy you send off will stay in this world with you. For the same reason you wouldn't want someone to fart in an elevator with you, you don't want to send bad vibes in this world where we all have to live together.

Honestly, it just makes you a shitty person

I watched a real gypsy witch do a hex one time and my whole opinion of her changed in an instant. If you read through this blog post and still decide you want to do a hex or curse, I have an idea that might change your mind: record yourself saying your curse and hear how nasty you sound.

There is a reason witchcraft and magic was banned and frowned upon worldwide and has gone from something everyone uses to something hidden and esoteric. It's because people who haven't done the soul work and proper learning to realize what magic is will cast hexes or curses.

Have you ever watched Harry Potter? They use a fictional magic. Who is the villain in that series? The ones who use dark magic and curses. Who are the heros? The ones who use magic to make life easier, fun, and beautiful.

To conclude, hexes and curses are dumb and you shouldn't do them.


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